1⃣️ Advance Booking
🔸 Desired date of appointment
🔸 Expected currency & amount to be exchanged
🔸 Expect to go to shops (Mongkok/Sheung Wan/Sheung Shui)
2⃣️ Going to find the swap shop
🔸 Going on a date with Ling Ling sub legit looking for a replacement

❤️ Warm Service
(1) Book in advance to enjoy the best exchange rate.
(2) Within 10 days, you can buy back the converted currency at the same day's exchange rate by presenting the original receipt on that day.

Ling's Limited offers currency exchange operation service with no handling fee and instant booking! We provide reliable, fast and easy money exchange service at the best price😊.
☎️ WhatsApp Consultation Now: https://wa.me/85293535076